Well! Somehow I totally missed that I hadn't posted about finishing my Ranunculus sweater way back in March. I actually wanted to take it outside to take a photo of it with some actual buttercups, but it's still a little early for those, so I settled on just the coastal meadow:
Wednesday, April 21, 2021
Cast on, cast off.
Sunday, April 18, 2021
Next on my needles.
During my days off, after I finished sewing the scarf, I also made some progress on the Kuutar pullover. Currently I have finished the lovely lace yoke and separated the sleeves and body. I was a bit surprised that I had to knit quite a few rounds of stockinette after the lace to achieve the required length of the yoke, but then I realised that the yoke is somewhat longer than what I have become used to with other patterns. Ah well. I an enjoying how soft these yarns are and also the fact that I'll be able to hide in plain sight everywhere with this very neutral-toned pullover :D
Saturday, April 17, 2021
State of the Project: Haapsalu scarf, part V: the finale!
Well, this was quite the journey, wasn't it?
After sitting on the lace edge and not feeling like sewing it to the centre portion since last summer, I finally finished the scarf!
I was very worried that the yarn would snap on the blocking frame after I've spent the whole day sewing, so I actually contacted Haapsalu Lace Centre to ask if I could send the scarf to them for sewing and blocking (I know for a fact that they will block your shawl for you for a fiver), but they said they don't provide a sewing service so I had to do it myself. I had some days off recently, so I decided to just go for it. I spent the better part of last Sunday sewing and I put the scarf on the blocking frame a few days ago.
Picture with my doggie for scale: