Saturday, January 30, 2021

More time to knit!

Looks like I will have a lot of free time on my hands for the next week or so, because  a work colleague of mine tested positive for Miss Rona and I am self-isolating. I am feeling well and not having any symptoms, thanks for asking.

My plan is to tackle my WIPs in the next days: I would really, really like to finish the In Between Dreams sweater for my cousin and the Bake-Off shawl. If I'm feeling up to it, I might also finally sew that damn lace edge to the centre part of my Haapsalu scarf and block it *gasp*!

For the time being, I have made some headway with my cousin's sweater, which almost has one sleeve :-)
And because I just can't cheating on that sweater, I also completed the squirrelly colourwork yoke of the Ekorre sweater: 

The yoke wasn't overly fiddly, since there are only two colours, but it did take a bit of doing since there are so many stitches :D

I have to say, making the double ribbing for the neck using a provisional cast-on was not as daunting as I thought it would be. I did have to rip back one round at the end, because I had made the increases with the wrong colour yarn, but it didn't' take me too long ti knit it up again. 

So anyway, I will keep you posted re: the progress of my WIPS :-)

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