Yaay, she's done! I have to say, I am really starting to warm up to top-down knitting. I very much enjoyed not having to sew anything and I could also very easily make the sweater a few cm longer than what was suggested in the pattern (though in all fairness, the pattern does say '25-35 cm or desired length'). Since my doggie hasn't yet learned to take photos, but the lace pattern doesn't really show up very well when the sleeve is laid flat, I decided to wear the sweater to work today and got a colleague to snap a photo of the sleeves. I think she did an excellent job:
I really like the lace - so simple but elegant. Also, how are we feeling about the tubular cast off on the cuffs?
The only bit I question is my choice of the button for the back of the neck:
I feel like I should have found something nicer and not quite so simple. Anyway, I might change it later.
But yeah, I am pretty chuffed and will definitely be wearing this one loads even if it is the tiniest bit itchy. True to form, I already have a new sweater on my needles and several projects planned, all with yarn from my stash! But more on that in another post.