Yes it's a Haapsalu scarf. I am a huge fan of fine knit lace, and I have made three? four? Haapsalu shawls so far (and, eh, bought enough yarn to make at least another five or six), but at the beginning of this year, as I was thinking about potential projects I decided that I wanted a red scarf to go with a red dress that I have. Now, the difference between Haapsalu shawls and scarves is that the shawls are rectangular whereas the scarves are either square or triangular. The main part of a shawl has a garter-stitch border onto which the lace edge is sewn, but a scarf has a middle part, a narrow band of pattern which separates it from the border pattern, a broad border and then the garter-stitch border and the lace edge. So far, I have finished the bottom border and have begun working my way through the middle part. I decided to knit the Spruce pattern from the scarf book, because it's really pretty, quite repetitive (which makes it easy to remember) and has just enough nupps to make it look authentic but not so many that they would be annoying to knit.
The yarn I am using is Haapsalu shawl yarn from Midara. The needles are just 3.0 mm double-pointed needles that I turned into Haapsalu shawl needles by attaching small wooden beads to the ends.
As for the book, well. It was originally published in 2011 and hasn't been reprinted since. It's been sold out for the longest time in two of our largest bookstore chains, but I did manage to get my hands on it a few years ago when I learned from a local Facebook craft group that there were still a few copies left in a craft store on the other side of the country from me (which, I mean, isn't much by way of kilometres, but you know...). I contacted them and they were kind enough to agree to send it to me to a parcel terminal even though they don't have an official online store.